Examples of how to prep clients:

Normal Cases

!prep <case number>

[19:58:22] <@RatMama[BOT]> Incoming Client: SurlyBadger - System: SHARRU SECTOR NN-T B3-3 - Platform: PC - O2: OK - Language: English (en-US)

[19:58:22] <%MechaSqueak[BOT]> RATSIGNAL - CMDR SurlyBadger - Reported System: SHARRU SECTOR NN-T B3-3 (77.81 LY from Sol) - Platform: PC - O2: OK - Language: English (en-US) (Case #5) (PC_SIGNAL)

[19:58:41]  !prep 5

[19:58:41] <%MechaSqueak[BOT]> SurlyBadger: Please drop from supercruise and come to a full stop. Disable all modules EXCEPT life support (instructions available if needed). If an emergency oxygen countdown appears at any time, let us know right away.

[19:59:50] <+ElementXenon> SurlyBadger: Please let me know when you have those modules (but not life support!) disabled.

Foreign Language Cases

!prep-<suffix> <case number>

[15:16:28] <@RatMama[BOT]> Incoming Client: SurlyBadger - System: ALRAI SECTOR AP-R A4-1 - Platform: PC - O2: OK - Language: French (fr-CA)

[15:16:28] <%MechaSqueak[BOT]> RATSIGNAL - CMDR SurlyBadger - Reported System: ALRAI SECTOR AP-R A4-1 (56.50 LY from Sol) - Platform: PC - O2: OK - Language: French (fr-CA) (Case #7) (PC_SIGNAL)

[15:16:40] <+JoeD246> !prep-fr 7

[15:16:40] <%MechaSqueak[BOT]> SurlyBadger: Nous vous prions de sortir du mode "supercruise", de vous arrêter complètement et de désactiver tous les modules SAUF les Systèmes de survie (instructions disponibles si nécessaire). Si un compteur d'oxygène devait apparaître, à n'importe quel moment, merci de nous en informer immédiatement.

[15:16:40] <+JoeD246> Hello SurlyBadger, is English okay?

!prep-auto <case number>

[00:39:29] &RatMama[BOT]: Incoming Client: Surly Badger - System: Col 285 Sector YB-R b19-0 - Platform: PC Odyssey - O2: OK - Language: Portuguese (pt-BR) - IRC Nickname: Surly_Badger

[00:39:31] %MechaSqueak[BOT]: RATSIGNAL Case #3 PC ODY – CMDR Surly Badger– System: "COL 285 SECTOR YB-R B19-0" (M Red dwarf 127.1 LY from Sol) – Language: Portuguese (Brazil) (pt-BR) – Nick: Surly_Badger (ODY_SIGNAL)

[00:39:34] +Blauregen: !prep-auto 3

[00:39:34] %MechaSqueak[BOT]: Surly_Badger: Por favor saia da velocidade de cruzeiro, pare completamente a nave e desative todos os módulos exceto o suporte vital (instruções disponíveis se necessário). Se a contagem regressiva de oxigênio de emergência aparecer a qualquer momento, nos avise o mais rápido possível.


!prep-auto will only output in the appropriate language if the bot has the command available in that language.  If not, it outputs in English.

Confirming that a client has been logged out to main menu after being issued Mecha's automatic CR response

<client name> Please let us know when you have exited to main menu!

[20:19:32] <@RatMama[BOT]> Incoming Client: Surly Badger - - System: RANTII system - Platform: PS4 - O2: NOT OK - Language: English (en-US) - IRC Nickname: SurlyBadger

[20:19:32] <%MechaSqueak[BOT]> RATSIGNAL - CMDR Surly Badger- - Reported System: RANTII (not in Fuelrats System Database) - Platform: PS4 - O2: NOT OK - Language: English (en-US) - IRC Nickname: SurlyBadger (Case #0) (PS_SIGNAL)

[20:19:34] <%MechaSqueak[BOT]> SurlyBadger: Please immediately exit to the Elite Dangerous Main Menu, where you see your ship in the hangar.

[20:20:11] <%Anja> SurlyBadger, please let us know when you have exited to main menu!

Prepping clients that enter without a bot announcement in #fuelrats (Normal Case)

Do you need fuel? (Normal Case, no timer)

[20:29:11] <SurlyBadger> can you guys help me?

[20:29:40] <%Anja> Hi SurlyBadger! Do you see an oxygen timer counting down in the top right corner of your screen?

[20:29:58] <SurlyBadger> nope!

[20:30:18] <%Anja> Do you need fuel?

[20:30:43] <SurlyBadger> yeah, I ran out and forgot my scoop at Wollheim

[20:31:01] <%Anja> !prep SurlyBadger

[20:31:01] <%MechaSqueak[BOT]> SurlyBadger: Please drop from supercruise and come to a full stop. Disable all modules EXCEPT life support (instructions available if needed). If an emergency oxygen countdown appears at any time, let us know right away.

[20:31:07] <%Anja> SurlyBadger: Please let me know when you have those modules (but not life support!) disabled.

Do you need fuel? (CR Case, oxygen timer)

[20:29:11] <SurlyBadger> can you guys help me?

[20:29:40] <%Anja> Hi SurlyBadger! Do you see an oxygen timer counting down in the top right corner of your screen?

[20:29:58] <SurlyBadger> oh, yeah, that's there.

[20:30:18] <%Anja> SurlyBadger, Please exit the game and log out to main menu and let me know once you are out!

[20:30:43] <SurlyBadger> I'm out.

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1 Comment

  1. surly badger sure seems to run out of fuel alot, if these logs are anything to go by