Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


View, edit and manage cases on the board.

!list [-iaqru@] [--pc] [--xb] [--ps]

List all the rescues on the board. Use flags to filter results or change what is displayed


-i Show only inactive cases

-a Show only active cases

-q Show only queued cases

-r Show only with assigned rats

-u Show only with no assigned rats

-@ Display case UUIDs

--pc Show only PC cases

--xb Show only Xbox cases

--ps Show only Playstation cases



!clear [-fp] <case id/client> [first limpet rat]

Aliases: !close

Closes a case and posts the paperwork link. Optional parameter takes the nick of the person that got first limpet (fuel+).


-f Force Mecha to close a case without validating the first limpet

-p Sends the paperwork to a rat without actually making them the first limpet of the rescue


!clear 4 SpaceDawg

!trash [-f] <case id/client> <message...>

Aliases: !md !purge !mdadd

Moves a case to the trash list with a message describing why it was deleted


-f Forces a case to be trashed even if it has rats assigned


!trash 4 client left before rats were assigned

!paperwork <case id/client>

Aliases: !pwl

Retrieves the paperwork link for a case on the board.


!paperwork 4

!sysc <case id/client> <number>

Correct the system of a case to one of the options provided by the system correction search.


!sysc 4 1

!sprep <case id/client>

Silences the prep warning on a case


!sprep 4

!go [-af] <case id/client> <rats 1> <rats 2> <rats 3>

Aliases: !assign !add

Add rats to the rescue and instruct the client to add them as friends.


-a Include already assigned rats in the message telling clients who to add

-f Force mecha to assign someone even if it can't find a valid rat for them


!go 4 SpaceDawg StuffedRat

!gofr [-af] <case id/client> <rats 1> <rats 2> <rats 3>

Aliases: !assignfr !frgo !f

Add rats to the rescue and instruct the client to add them as friends, also inform the client how to add friends.


-a Include already assigned rats in the message telling clients who to add

-f Force mecha to assign someone even if it can't find a valid rat for them


!gofr 4 SpaceDawg StuffedRat

!unassign <case id/client> <rats 1> <rats 2> <rats 3>

Aliases: !deassign !rm !remove !standdown

Remove rats from the rescue


!unassign 4 SpaceDawg StuffedRat

!active <case id/client> [message...]

Aliases: !inactive !activate !deactivate

Toggle a case between active or inactive, add an optional message that gets inserted into quotes.


!active 4 client left irc

!queue <case id/client>

Add a rescue to the queue list, informing the client.


!queue 4

!dequeue <case id/client>

Aliases: !unqueue

Remove a rescue from the queue list, informing the client.


!dequeue 4

!cmdr <case id/client> <new name...>

Aliases: !client !commander

Change the CMDR name of the client of this rescue.


!cmdr 4 SpaceDawg

!nick <case id/client> <new nick>

Aliases: !ircnick !nickname

Change the IRC nick associated with the client of this rescue.


!nick 4 SpaceDawg

!lang <case id/client> <language code>

Aliases: !language

Change the language of the client of this rescue.


!lang 4 de

!cr <case id/client>

Aliases: !codered !casered

Toggle the case between code red (on emergency oxygen) status or not.


!cr 4

!title <case id/client> <operation title...>

Aliases: !operation

Set the operations title of this rescue, used to give a unique name to special rescues


!title 4 Beyond the Void

!xb <case id/client>

Change the platform of this case to Xbox.


!xb 4

!pc <case id/client>

Change the platform of this case to PC.


!pc 4

!ps <case id/client>

Aliases: !ps4 !ps5

Change the platform of this case to PS4.


!ps 4

!quote <case id/client>

Show all information about a specific case


!quote 4

!grab <case id/client/assigned rat>

Grab the last message by the client or assigned rat and add it to an existing rescue


!grab SpaceDawg

!inject [-f] <case id/client> <text...>

Add some new information to the case, if one does not exist, create one with this information


-f Forces a new case to be created from this inject bypassing all restrictions


!inject 4 client is in the EZ

!sub <case id/client> <line number> [new text...]

Change a text entry in the rescue replacing its contents with new text


!sub 4 1 Client is in EZ


View, edit and manage rescues that have already been completed.


Aliases: !fbr !refreshboard !reindex !resetboard !forcerestartboard !forcerefreshboard !frb !boardrefresh

Force MechaSqueak to perform a synchronization of data between itself and the rescue server.



!closed [number of cases]

Aliases: !recent

Shows recently closed cases.


!closed 10

!delete <rescue uuid>

Delete a rescue by UUID, cannot be used on a rescue that is currently on the board.


!delete 3811e593-160b-45af-bf5e-ab8b5f26b718


Aliases: !cleartrash

Delete all rescues currently in the trashlist




Aliases: !mdlist !purgelist !listtrash

Shows all the rescues that have been added to the trash list but not yet deleted



!restore <rescue uuid>

Aliases: !mdremove !trashremove !mdr !tlr !trashlistremove !mdd !mddeny

Restore a case from the trash list.


!restore 3811e593-160b-45af-bf5e-ab8b5f26b718


Aliases: !pwn !paperworkneeded !needspaperwork !npw

Get a list of rescues that have not had their paperwork completed.



!quoteid <rescue uuid>

Show all information about a case by UUID


!quoteid 3811e593-160b-45af-bf5e-ab8b5f26b718

!reopen <rescue uuid>

Add a previously closed case back onto the board.


!reopen 3811e593-160b-45af-bf5e-ab8b5f26b718

!unclose <recently closed case number>

Add a previously closed case back onto the board by its previous case number.


!unclose 5

!clientpw [--all] <client name>

Aliases: !pwclient

Get paperwork link for a previous client by name.


--all Lists ALL previous cases for this client


!clientpw SpaceDawg


View, edit and manage the list of information commands such as !prep

!facts [--locales]

Aliases: !listfacts !factlist !fact

View the list of facts


--locales List all the locales currently available



!addfact <fact-language> <fact message...>

Add a new fact or a new language onto an existing fact


!addfact pcquit-en Get out it's gonna blow!

!setfact <fact-language> <fact message...>

Update an existing fact


!setfact pcquit-en Get out it's gonna blow!

!delfact <fact-language>

Delete a fact or an alias


!delfact pcquit-en

!alias <fact> <alias>

Aliases: !aliasfact

Create an alias of an existing fact


!alias ircguide ircguides

!delalias <alias>

Delete an existing alias


!delalias ircguides

!anyfact [--info] [--locales] [targets 1] [targets 2] [targets 3]

Use a fact in the channel


--info Get information about this fact such as who created it and when

--locales Get all the locales available for this fact


!anyfact SpaceDawg


Various commands that provide utility for rats and dispatches, such as tweeting a case or looking up a star system


Aliases: !needrats !nr

Get a list of cases that currently require rats to call jumps




Aliases: !syscount !systems

See statistics about the systems API.



!sctime [-g] <distance...>

Aliases: !sccalc !traveltime

Calculate supercruise travel time.


-g Calculate going from one gravitational body to another, rather than towards deep space


!sctime 2500ls


Aliases: !uptime

See version information about the bot.




Aliases: !utc

See the current time in game time / UTC



!roll <dices>

Roll a dice


!roll 2d8

!announce [--cr] <channel> <client name> <client nick> <PC/XB/PS> <system...>

Create a rescue announcement in a drill channel


--cr Announces the rescue as a code red


!announce #drillrats "Space Dawg" SpaceDawg PC NLTT 48288

!search <system name...>

Search for a system in the galaxy database.


!search NLTT 48288

!landmark [--sol] <system name...>

Search for a star system's proximity to known landmarks such as Sol, Sagittarius A* or Colonia.


--sol Force !landmark to compare the distance from Sol rather than any other landmark.


!landmark NLTT 48288

!distance <departure system> <arrival system>

Aliases: !distanceto

Calculate the distance between two star systems


!distance "NLTT 48288" "Sagittarius A*"

!system [-f] <case id/client> <system name...>

Aliases: !sys !loc !location

Change the star system of this rescue to a different one.


-f Prevents Mecha from automatically correcting the system name


!system 4 NLTT 48288

!shorten <url> [custom link]

Aliases: !short !shortener

Create a short url to another url, optionally set a custom url rather than a random.


!shorten importantinfo

!tweet <message...>

Send a tweet from @FuelRatAlerts


!tweet Need rats urgently for two PS4 cases in the bubble

!tweetcase <case id/client>

Aliases: !tweetc

Tweet information about a case from @FuelRatAlerts


!tweetcase 4

!msg <destination> <message...>

Aliases: !say

Make the bot send an IRC message somewhere.


!msg #ratchat squeak!

!me <destination> <message...>

Aliases: !action !emote

Make the bot send an IRC action (/me) somewhere.


!me #ratchat takes all the snickers


Admin Commands to manage MechaSqueak and the API


Aliases: !clearnames !flushall !invalidateall

Invalidate the bots cache of API user data and fetch it again for all users.



!relaunch [update link]

Invalidate the bots cache of API user data and fetch it again for all users.



!flush <nickname>

Aliases: !clearname !invalidate

Invalidate a single name in the cache and fetch it again.


!flush SpaceDawg

!groups <nickname>

Aliases: !permissions

Lists the permissions of a specific person


!groups SpaceDawg

!addgroup <nickname/user id> <permission group>

Add a permission to a person


!addgroup SpaceDawg overseer

!delgroup <nickname/user id> <permission group>

Remove a permission from a person


!delgroup SpaceDawg overseer

!suspend <nickname/user id> <timespan>

Suspend a user account, accepts IRC style timespans (0 for indefinite).


!suspend SpaceDawg 7d


Commands to manage your Fuel Rats account


Check the Fuel Rats account information the bot is currently associating with your nick



!whois <nickname>

Aliases: !ratid !who !id

Check the Fuel Rats account information the bot is associating with someone's nick.


!whois SpaceDawg

!activerat <platform>

Aliases: !assigncheck !assigntest

Check what CMDR name mecha would currently assign to a case based on your nickname


!activerat PC

!changeemail <email>

Aliases: !changemail

Check what CMDR name mecha would currently assign to a case based on your nickname




Add the permit belonging to this system to your account



!addpermit <system name...>

Aliases: !permitadd

Add the permit belonging to this system to your current CMDR


!addpermit NLTT 48288

!delpermit <permit name...>

Aliases: !permitdel

Delete this permit from your current CMDR


!delpermit Pilot's Federation District


Commands that don't fit into any category


Aliases: !last

Displays the amount of time since the last rescue



MechaSqueak is a IRC chat bot for the FuelRats IRC server. It's major function is to provide integration between the IRC server and the FuelRats Rescue log system. It also assists in reciting information by way of Facts, and also has a few extra useful functions like starsystem search.

Commands are written in standard !Command <Required Parameter> [Optional parameter] format. Each command detail section contains: the command's syntax (or usage), a description (along with any additional usage notes), aliases, permission required (on the FuelRats IRC server), and links to any directly related commands.

Command List

* Use in a message to MechaSqueak (/msg MechSqueak[BOT]) - this is to keep client information confidential or to avoid spamming the public channels.

† Use in public channels - this is so that a record of a case's progression or other changes are visible.

‡ Use in #ratchat - this is to avoid duplicate searches whilst sharing the information, but without spamming the rescue channel.

Click on commands for more details.


Marks a case as closed, and adds it to the Marked for Deletion List™. (Don't use this without a reason!)








!plot [-b] <Current System> to <Destination System>


!tweet <Message>


!tweetcase <Client Name|Board Index>


Case Management


Usage: !active <Client Name|Board Index>

Toggles the active status of a case. Use in public channels

Aliases: !activate, !inactive, !deactivate

Permission: Rat


Usage: !assign <Client Name|Board Index> <Rat1> [Rat2] [Rat3]...

Assigns rats to a client's case. Use in public channels

Aliases: !add, !go

Permission: Rat

Related: !unassign


Usage: !clear <Client Name|Board Index> [First Limpet Sender]

Marks a case as closed, and adds the first limpet sender to the case if specified. Use in public channels

Setting the first limpet sender only works if the rat is properly registered with the API.
Dispatchers are encouraged to always specify the first limpet when able.

Aliases: !close

Permission: Rat

Related: !reopen


Usage: !cmdr <Client Name|Board Index> <CMDR name>

Sets a client's in-game CMDR name. Use in public channels

Aliases: !commander

Permission: Rat


Usage: !codered <Client Name|Board Index>

Toggles the code red status of a case. Use in public channels

Aliases: !casered, !cr

Permission: Rat


Usage: !delete <Database ID|List>

Deletes a rescue, or lists rescues up for deletion.

Permission: Overseer

Related: !md , !mdlist , !mdremove


Usage: !epic <Client Name|Board Index>

Toggles the Epic status of a case.

Permission: Rat


Usage: !grab <Client Name>

Grabs the last message the client sent, and adds it to their case. Use in public channels

Permission: Rat

Related: !inject , !sub


Usage: !inject <Client Name|Board Index> <Text to Add>

Injects a custom line of text into the client's case. If no case is found, a new case is opened. Use in public channels

Permission: Rat

Related: !grab , !sub


Usage: !ircnick <Client Name|Board Index> <New Client Name>

Sets a new client name for the case.

Changing the client name will change the name associated with the case. If the new name does not exactly match the client's IRC nick, certain functions might break! Use in public channels

Aliases: !nick, !nickname

Permission: Rat


Usage: !pc <Client Name|Board Index>

Sets a case's platform to PC. Use in public channels

Permission: Rat

Related: !xb !ps


Usage: !ps <Client Name|Board Index>

Sets a case's platform to PS4. Use in public channels

Permission: Rat

Related:  !pc !xb


Usage: !pwl <Client Name|Board Index>

Creates and shortens the link for the paperwork of a case.

!clear performs the same operation while closing a case.

Aliases: !pwlink, !paperwork, !paperworklink

Permission: Rat


Usage: !pwn

Lists all cases with incomplete paperwork. Use in a message to MechaSqueak (/msg MechSqueak[BOT])

Aliases: !paperworkneeded!needspaperwork!npw

Permission: Overseer


Usage: !quote <Client Name|Board Index>

Recites all known information for the specified open case.

Permission: Rat

Related: !list , !quoteid


Usage: !quoteid <Database ID>

Recites all known information for the specified Database ID.

Permission: Overseer

Related: !list , !quote


Usage: !reopen <Database ID>

Reopens a case.


May need to !reopen or !refreshboard (check below for usage) after opening a case to refresh the Dispatch Web Board.

Permission: Overseer

Related: !clear


Usage: !sub <Client Name|Board Index> <Line Number> [Replacement Text]

Substitute or delete an existing line of text to the client's case. Use in public channels

DOES NOT perform auto-correction/auto-detection!

Permission: Rat

Related: !grab , !inject


Usage: !sys <Client Name|Board Index> <System Name>

Sets a case's system. Use in public channels

Aliases: !system, !loc, !location

Permission: Rat


Usage: !title <Client Name|Board Index> <Title to set>

Sets the Operation title of a rescue. Use in public channels

Permission: Rat


Usage: !unassign <Client Name|Board Index> <Rat1> [rat2] [rat3]

Removes rats from a client's case. Use in public channels

Aliases: !deassign, !rm, !remove, !standdown

Permission: Rat

Related: !assign


Usage: !xb <Client Name|Board Index>

Sets a case's platform to Xbox. Use in public channels

Aliases: (don't worry about it)

Permission: Rat

Related: !pc !ps

Board Management


Usage: !closed

Lists the last 5 closed rescues, and their corresponding database IDs. Use in a message to MechaSqueak (/msg MechSqueak[BOT])

Aliases: !recent

Permission: Rat


Usage: !list [-iru@]

List the currently active, open cases. Use in a message to MechaSqueak (/msg MechSqueak[BOT])

i: lists inactive cases.
r: Show assigned rats.
u: Show only cases with no assigned rats.
@: show case ids.

Permission: Rat

Related: !quote , !quoteid , !refreshboard


Usage: !refreshboard

Forcefully resets the board, and grabs fresh information from the API. (Use when the Dispatch Web Board shows too many or not enough cases)

Use with care, usage resets board numbers.  

(kinda went overBOARD with those aliases. hah. puns.)

Aliases: !resetboard, !forceresetboard, !forcerefreshboard, !frb, !fbr, !boardrefresh

Permission: Overseer

Related: !list!reindex


Usage: !reindex

Forcefully resets the board index with the API (thereby updating the dispatch web board).  Use when the case numbers on the Dispatch Web Board don't match Mecha. Use in public channels

Permission:  Rat

Related:  !refreshboard

Marked for Deletion List™


Usage: !md <Client Name|Board Index> <Reason for Deletion>

Marks a case as closed, and adds it to the Marked for Deletion List™. (Don't use this without a reason!) Use in public channels

Aliases: !mdadd

Permission: Rat

Related: !delete , !mdlist , !mdremove


Usage: !mdlist

Shows the Marked for Deletion List™. (For cool people only) Use in a message to MechaSqueak (/msg MechSqueak[BOT])

Permission: Overseer

Related: !delete , !md , !mdremove


Usage: !mdremove <Database ID>

Removes a case from the Marked for Deletion List™. (Does NOT reopen the case!)

Aliases: !mdremove, !mdr, !mdd, !mddeny

Permission: Overseer

Related: !delete , !md , !mdlist

System Search


Usage: !plot [-b] <starting system> to <destination system>

Plots large (over 1kly) routes using way-points at ~1ky intervals. Use in a message to MechaSqueak (/msg MechSqueak[BOT])
This operation is fairly intensive and "spammy". See "Special" below for limitations. 

b: outputs all way-points batched together when the calculation is finished.

Permission: Rat

Special: This command is limited to a private message with MechaSqueak.

               This command is limited to once every 30 minutes per rat.


Usage: !search <Search query>

Searches for and suggests possible system names which match the given search query. Use in #ratchat

Permission: None

Related: !sysstats , !sysrefresh


Usage: !sysstats

Provides statistics of the system search database.

Permission: None

Related: !search , !sysrefresh


Usage: !sysrefresh [-f]

Refreshes the star-system database. Reports the last refresh time otherwise.

f: Forces the refresh even if data is stale.

Permission: Overseer (halfop|op)

Related: !search , !sysstats



Usage: !short <URL> [desired keyword]

shortens a url.
If a keyword is specified, it will be used if it's not used already. Use in a message to MechaSqueak (/msg MechSqueak[BOT])

Aliases: !shortener, !shorten

Permission: Rat

Twitter Module


Usage: !tweet <Message over 5 characters>

Tweets a message from the FuelRats Alerts twitter account. Use in public channels


Tweets will not be sent if a client name or system matching an active case is included.  Use !tweetcase in that instance.

Permission: Rat

Related: ! tweetcase


Usage: !tweetcase <Client Name|Board Index>

Tweets a preformatted message to the FuelRats Alerts account, using case info. Use in public channels


The preformatted message is based off a distance to the case's landmark system.  The message is formatted as follows: [PC] Rats needed for rescue! Call your jumps, Rats! -case 2feb51 

Aliases: !tweetc

Permission: Rat

Related: ! tweet



Usage: !flush

Resets cached Rat-names. Helps with bugged rat names on !assign. Use in public channels

Aliases: !resetnames, !rn, !flushnames, !fn

Permission: Rat


Usage: !host

Shows you your current host to verify privileges.

Permission: None


Usage: !quiet

Displays the time since the last Ratsignal.

Aliases: !last

Permission: Rat


Usage: !ratid <Rat Name>

Gets a rats' ID from the API.

Aliases: !id

Permission: Rat


Usage: !scan <query>

Used for system name detection testing.

Permission: Rat


Usage: !version

Shows the bot's current version and up-time.

Aliases: !uptime

Permission: None



Usage: !


Aliases: !, !

Permission: Rat
