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  • Beacon (BC) -  The beacon fitted to each ship which can be enabled to enable your wing mates to drop on it.
    • BC+: The rats now sees the clients beacon and is on their way to dropping into the clients instance for refueling.
    • BC-: The rat doesn’t see the client beacon
  • Bubble, The -  Civilized space (refer to the Powerplay view of the galaxy map for a rough illustration
  • Client – The person we are serving fuel
  • CASE RED / CODE RED (CR) - An alert where the client has lost power to life support and the clock is counting down on their oxygen depletion timer
  • Debrief (db) - When a rat has refueled the client, they do a debriefing with them, that is inform the client how to avoid running out of fuel in the future, when this is completed they use db+ to inform dispatch so.
  • Dispatch - The rat who is coordinating activity on #FuelRats.  Also known as Spatch or The Hat.
  • Disconnected (DC) - Abbreviation used in #FuelRats. Got kicked out of the game, either to Main Menu or out of the whole game
  • Epic Rescue - Any rescue nominated by another rat for it's sheer epic awesomeness will reward the rat with Laurels for their roundel ( !  Any rescue requiring more than 10,000Ly travel to the client is automatically considered epic but still requires a nomination.
  • Exclusion Zone (EZ) - The area around a stellar body where your ship is automatically dropped to normal space to avoid crashing into the stellar body.  A client in the EZ prevents instancing with them through Navlock and requires them to SC Hop away from the star or a Tactical Face Plant.
  • Friend Request (FR) - The first step of a rescue, the client adds the Rat A response to a FR may be “FR Received” or even more simply “FR+”, or if sufficient time has passed and the request hasn’t been received “FR-“
  • FUEL / Refueling - Report that tells dispatch that at least the first limpet fired has completed it's fuel transfer (giving you the onscreen confirmation of such) Usually reports as "Fuel+" or "Refueling"
  • Hat, The - Symbolic identifier for the Dispatch, usually denoted by their incorporating “Dispatch” into their username temporarily in order to, “don the Hat.” Quite frequently tossed into the air after a hectic session of dispatching.
  • Instancing - The efforts to establish a Peer-to-Peer connection with a client. If attempts fail, “no instancing,” is specified and workarounds begin to be used in order to resolve the connection issue.
  • Jumps (j) - Called by Rats responding to a rescue call in order to determine who is closest to support (e.g. 2j, re-arm + 1j, etc.)
  • Long Range Refuel (or Rescue) – Any refuel where the client is more than 1000ly from human space
  • Mischief, The - Did you know that the collective noun for Rat is “Mischief”?
  • omw - “On my way”.
  • Paperwork (pw) - When a rat has completed a rescue, they file a record of the rescue, called ‘paperwork’when this is complete they use pw+ to inform dispatch so..
  • Party -  Xbox voice communications not associated with the game.
  • PREP - Can be reported to alert dispatch that clients shields are still up after getting in wing. PREP- client didn't comply with module-shutdown, or PREP+ client has now complied with instructions.
  • POS - Short for "Position", used on CR cases as "POS+" when reaches a given in-system position, for example 1000ls from a named station, to let dispatch know you are holding there ready for client to log in.
  • Ratsignal - Alert!  A client needs fuel, man your ship and call your jumps!
  • Roundel - How to display all of your ratting accomplishments!
  • RTB - Return(ing) to Base, associated either with a Rat standing down from a rescue case or needing to re-arm with limpets before returning to standby status.
  • Roger(rgr) - A rat will use this to show he acknowledges the information/request/command
  • Supercruise Hop (SC Hop) - To resolve instancing the client powers up their thrusters and frameshift drive, enters supercruise for 5-10 seconds away from any stellar bodies while the rat(s) wait in SC to confirm positive instancing.
  • Standby / stby - A Rat is ready and available to be assigned to a case or to receive further information
  • Stand(ing) down / stdn - A Rat is discontinuing support of an active case
  • System (sys) - When a rat has arrived in the client’s system, a report of “sys+” to dispatch is made
  • Tactical Face Plant (TFP) - The process of manually flying into the Exclusion Zone to instance with a CR client to achieve instancing.  Requires practice!
  • Wing Request (WR or WG) -  The second step of a rescue, the client invites the Rat
    • A response to a WR may be “WR Received” or even more simply “WR+”, or if sufficient time has passed and the request hasn’t been received “WR-“
  • XRat or XCase - An Xbox Rat or Xbox case, because we love our terminology