The Fuel Rats recommend you never fly without a fuel scoop!

Fuel scoops allow your ship to gather fuel from stars. The problem is not all star types are scoopable (sad). The good news is, you're not stuck to guessing which stars will give you fuel (smile)!

The in-game galaxy map has built-in filters you can use to sort out the scoopable star types!

To do this:

1: Go to the galaxy map.

You can find the galaxy map on your navigation panel!

2: Click on the fourth tab, and select "MAP".

3: Filter for scoopable star types.

Under the "MAP VIEW CONFIGURATION" pull-down menu, select "STAR CLASS" and uncheck all boxes except the first 7. These are your scoopable stars. AKA: KGB-FOAM

TIP: If you wish to avoid unscoopables altogether, you can select "APPLY FILTER TO ROUTE" and your route plotter will never plot unscoopable stars.

Don't have a fuel scoop? The same principle works for finding stations! Just filter for stars by "ECONOMY" or "GOVERNMENT", and select all options except "NONE". Almost all inhabited systems will have at least an outpost.

4: Route Plotting.

When plotting a course, check to make sure a SOLID plot line passes through a visible star before it becomes dashed. If it doesn't you will need to divert to either a scoopable star, or a station.  A solid line means you have fuel to make that jump, a dashed lines means you don't have enough fuel to make that jump.

The route plotter will also show the Fuel Star which is the last scoopable star on your route, before you need to refuel. 


CMDR Blue Jade has put together a video demonstrating the information on this page. Check it out: