Rat's honoursFuel Rats don’t get paid by such trivial things like credits. We enjoy the heat of the rescue, the adrenaline rush of dispatching five cases simultareously, and being hailed by the community (sometimes).

Yet that is not all. Since the Fuel Rats are a honorary service, we also have Rat’s honours that show our dedication, and achievements.

The morale patches are constructed as a basic roundel with ‘decorators’ that go around it based on achievements. You start with this:


The basic Rat Roundel.

Full gongage: A. basic roundel, B. 3301 veteran, C. Dispatcher's hat,  D. O2 Code Red rescuer,  E. 5 Fuel Drops for 100 rescues each, F. 500 rescues coronet, G. 1,000 rescue crown, H. Epic Laurel for special achievements. All graphics courtesy Father Cool.

Examples for applied Rat Roundels

Left: PVC badge with gongage (Surly's Rat shop): Epic Rat, 3301 Veteran, Dispatch, O2 rescuer. Right: Iron-on version (Uvelius).

How to get them?