First long distance distress hail: CMDR Rusticolus - 13 mins
First Fuel Rat in system CMDR Iron Orchid - 38 mins
Fuel transfer complete - 44 mins

Some pointers:

1. When first recieved a call of distress, please notify your fellow Fuel Rats in this thread your intent to give support. That way other Fuel Rats can either go about their business or turn it into a race 

2. Send the person in distress a friend request as soon as possible. This is needed for you to form a wing in order for him/her to turn on the wing beacon so you actually can find him/her. Also there is a great mental boost in actually seeing on the map that help is underway.

3. Unless you are in a small ship ie. sidewinder, or have an exceptionally small fuel tank, there is no need for large extra fuel tanks, as there is usually very little fuel required to get to the nearest scoopable star/station.*

4. Unless the person in distress is in a conflict zone or is being attacked by Thargoids there is no need to have more than a class 1 fuel controller. Time is only of the essence when going to the ship in need. The only real limitation here is the amount of limpets you bring.

*There may be situations on the fringe of our galaxy or in the unholy sea of Aucocks that require special customised fuel tankers or "daisy chaining" of Fuel Rats. In these cases consult your fellow Fuel Rats in this thread.

Video documentation:


This concludes Exercise Fuel Rat