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In truth, any ship can be made to serve as a Ratting ship, although the nature of our service often leads to certain types of ships being preferred. The most frequent ship to be found in the hands of Rats are the Asp Explorer (The RAsp) and the Anaconda (Rataconda), due to their superior jump range and flexible modules.

There are a few things that come as a bare minimum to enable your ship to refuel another though:


titleRatting on the side

Note that you do not need a dedicated Rat ship to do your ratting in. Many rats prefer to customize their ship for ratting by using light, class D modules and foregoing weaponry for added jump range and speed, but as long as your ship has a fuel transfer limpet controller and a few limpets, any ship in your shipyard can be used for ratting. People often rat 'on the side' while out doing other things, like mining, exploring or combat. Especially on long range exploration trips, many a client has been saved by a rat that just happened to be in the neighborhood, rather than thousands of light years away.

titleCargo and Missions

While many of us choose to use multipurpose ships for Ratting in, it's important to notify Dispatch if you have any cargo (other than limpets) or active missions as these greatly increase the chance that NPC pirates will attempt to interdict you and possibly attack the client.

Popular Loadouts

Remember, almost anything can serve as a "rat ship". As long as your ship has a decent jump range of least 20ly, and you can bring at least 8 limpets along for the ride, you're doing alright!


Asp ExplorerImage Removed


The Road Trip - Asp Explorer

Old Faithful. A great all round Rat Ship, when you're not doing Robigo that is.

Top Speed: 250 (340)
Fuel Capacity: 32t
Cargo Capacity: 48t
Maximum range: 36.43LY
Unladen range: 33.73LY
Fully laden range: 29.82LY

Coriolis Build


AnacondaImage Removed


The Rat King - Anaconda

OK, now you're just showing off... At least it isn’t gold.

Top Speed:180 (240)
Fuel Capacity: 32t
Cargo Capacity: 320t
Maximum range: 33.91LY
Unladen range: 32.69LY
Fully laden range: 22.14LY

Coriolis Build


Diamondback ExplorerImage Removed


The Diamond in the Rough - Diamondback Explorer

When you want something simple and functional and to look cool while you’re ratting.

Top Speed: 258 (338)
Fuel Capacity: 32t
Cargo Capacity: 16t
Maximum range: 40.57LY
Unladen range: 37.26LY
Fully laden range: 35.54LY

Coriolis Build


HaulerImage Removed


The Soccer Mom - Hauler

Cheap and functional, not a bad rat ship if you can block out the giggling clients.

Speed: 200 (300)
Fuel Capacity: 8t
Cargo Capacity: 8t
Maximum Range: 34.34LY
Unladen range: 26.16LY
Fully laden range: 20.62LY

Coriolis Build


Cobra Mk IIIImage Removed


The Usain Bolt - Cobra Mk III

Quick and nimble. Your clients will wonder what that blur was.

Top Speed: 290 (415)
Fuel Capacity: 16t
Cargo Capacity: 20t
Maximum range: 27.20LY
Unladen range: 25.63LY
Fully laden range: 23.55LY

Coriolis Build


Type 6 TransporterImage Removed


The Dad - T6 Transporter

Fill your bathtub with fuel, this can ONLY end well.

Top Speed: 230 (366)
Fuel Capacity: 16t
Cargo Capacity: 80t
Maximum range: 31.49LY
Unladen range: 29.41LY
Fully laden range: 20.91LY

Coriolis Build