Step by step guides for configuring various IRC clients for use with the Fuel Rats



A step by step guide to getting HexChat (a free IRC client for Windows and Linux) up and running with the Fuel Rats IRC for first time users


  1. Installing HexChat

  2. Connecting to the Fuel Rats IRC server

  3. Changing the appearance

  4. Sounds and Alerts

  5. Tips and Tricks


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Official HexChat documentation


1 - Installing HexChat

Installation for HexChat is very straight forward. Follow the instructions in the installer with the default options being sufficient for use with the Fuel Rats IRC.

If you wish to save space and are comfortable with the English language, you may optionally uncheck Translations. We recommend keeping the auto updates option checked so the client notifies you when a new version is available however this is personal preference and of course optional!

The ’Portable Installation’ option stores HexChat settings in the program directory so it can easily be copied to another computer, although under Windows, you may have to install HexChat to a different location (for example D: drive, or a USB stick) to avoid having to run the client as Administrator.

Windows: %APPDATA%\HexChat
UNIX/Linux: ~/.config/hexchat

2 - Connecting to the Fuel Rats IRC server

The first time you run HexChat a Network List window will appear. Enter your desired IRC nicknames (the 3rd is optional). In most cases this would be your CMDR name in-game. Use underscores instead of spaces, if you have any in your name.

If you are new to the Fuel Rats and have not yet completed a drill, do not add a tag (the square brackets) to the end of your name, this will be done later once you have passed your drill.

The ‘User name’ field is the name that shows up if anybody queries who you are in IRC and should match your registered IRC nick (see the IRC FAQ).

Example entries, your name may differ!

Once you have entered your nicknames, click on the ‘Add’ button. This will insert a new network at the top of the list. Click/type to rename the network to FuelRats as shown below. Press enter to save the name.

With the FuelRats network selected, click on ‘Edit…’. This will open up a 2nd window to configure how to connect to the Fuel Rats IRC server.

To add a server to the list at the top, click ‘Add’, type and press Enter to save. Copy all other settings as shown. If you plan on using HexChat for more than just the Fuel Rats, you can uncheck “Use global user information” and specify your per-network nick names here.

For new joiners who have yet to set up IRC authentication (see the IRC guide), set the ‘Login method’ to Default with no password. Once you have set up your IRC authentication this can be changed as shown in the screenshot above.

 The ‘Autojoin channels’ tab allows you to specify which channels HexChat will automatically join when connecting. We use primarily 2 channels that you will normally need to be connected to. #FuelRats (where official rescues are conducted) and #RatChat (informal chat and rescue discussion channel).


Adding channels is done in the same way as the previous list boxes. Click ‘Add’, type the name and press Enter to save. Repeat this process for as many channels as you wish.

When you are happy with your settings, click ‘Close’ to return to the Network List window followed by ‘Connect’ to begin your IRC session. If you have replicated all of the check boxes as shown above, next time around the client will automatically connect to the Fuel Rats IRC.

Congratulations! You have connected to the IRC.

The first time you connect, you may receive a notification that the server certificate has changed. This is normal. The tech rats sometimes update the certificate so don't be surprised if the message pops up again 6 months down the line!

The general HexChat layout has channels you are connected to on the left (the top entry is the Status window which shows important messages from the server) the main chat area with nicknames and time stamps in the center and connected users listed down the right side when viewing a channel.

3 - Changing the appearance

The appearance of HexChat can be customized in various ways including layout, fonts and colors. To begin changing these settings, within the main HexChat window click on the Settings menu followed by Preferences.

The main settings window will open. This may appear somewhat confusing at first glance but fear not, it's all rather logical! A common request is to change the background and text colors to a dark theme. Click on Colors in the Interface section. By reversing Background and Foreground (click on each one to open the color picker) a darker theme can be quickly achieved.


Changing of fonts and colors is of course personal preference and some experimentation will be required! To preview your changes you need to click on OK which closes the window and applies your chosen settings. You'll have to open/close the Preferences window until you reach your desired look (takes a little while to get it right). Alternatively you can visit the Hexchat website and download pre-prepared themes (see link at the top in Related Articles).

Other settings you may wish to experiment with:

  • Interface → Appearance → WindowOpacity
    Slide to make the main window transparent
  • Interface → Channel switcher → Switcher type
    Select Tabs to free up extra space on the left and move the channel selectors to the bottom 
  • Chatting → Logging
    Increasing the number of scrollback lines can be useful when dispatching multiple cases, or if you leave your client running for long periods of time and need to scroll up to check on previous cases in #FuelRats!
  • Chatting → Alerts
    See the dedicated section on Sounds and Alerts

4 - Sounds and Alerts

As a Fuel Rat it's important (perhaps essential!) to know when a new case is arriving, or when another rat mentions your name without having to keep one eye glued to the IRC window all the time.

The Alerts section in Preferences requires a few basic changes to ensure you are "pinged" when a new client arrives. The trigger for most new cases is Ratsignal and this has been entered into the "Extra words to highlight" box shown below.

Take care not to write Ratsignal in the IRC chat! You'll squeak and everybody will hear! Beware!

The 'Make a beep sound on: Highlighted Message' option has been checked. Highlighted messages are your nick name and anything that has additionally been entered into the 'Extra words to highlight' box. The default sound is your system's instant messenger alert sound however you can change the sound played in the Sounds section:


The file location for your sounds may differ. For HexChat the sound file needs to be a .wav format. There are many other events in the list that you may wish to customiz however the Beep sound will cover the highlighted text.

As an additional customization you may also wish to change the highlighted text color and this is set in Interface → Colors → Highlight.

An example HexChat setup:

5 - Tips and Tricks

Did you know you can use the tab button while typing a message to automatically complete another user's name? By typing the first 2 or 3 letters and then pressing the tab key, you can cycle through nickname matches without having to type the full name. Very handy to avoid spelling mistakes!

On the subject of spelling, in HexChat you can right click on words while typing for spelling suggestions too!

Good luck CMDR, and fly safe with HexChat! o7


A step by step guide to getting mIRC (an IRC client for Windows) up and running with the Fuel Rats IRC for first time users


  1. Installing mIRC

  2. Connecting to the Fuel Rats IRC server

  3. Authentication and auto-joining channels

  4. Changing the appearance

  5. Sounds and Alerts

  6. Tips and Tricks


Related articles

Related issues 

Download mIRC

mIRC Help Resources


1 - Installing mIRC

Installation for mIRC is very straight forward. Follow the instructions in the installer with the default options being sufficient for use with the Fuel Rats IRC.

'Automatically Check for Updates' is recommended - mIRC will check if there is a newer version when starting the client.

The ’Portable Application’ option stores mIRC settings in the program directory so it can easily be copied to another computer, although you may have to install mIRC to a different location (for example D: drive, or a USB stick) to avoid having to run the client as Administrator.

This is normally C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\mIRC


2 - Connecting to the Fuel Rats IRC server

When first starting mIRC you are presented with a window to enter your registration details. There is also the ability to evaluate the client if you don't have registration details to hand.

After completing that initial process you are presented with the mIRC Options window:

Enter your primary and secondary IRC nicknames. These should match your registered IRC nick(s) (see the IRC FAQ).

If you are new to the Fuel Rats and have not yet completed a drill, do not add a tag (the square brackets) to the end of your name, this will be done later once you have passed your drill.

Next, move to the Servers sub category and you will most likely see a long list of popular IRC networks. For simplicity, these have been removed from this guide to avoid confusion. Click on 'Add' to begin adding a new network:

A small popup 'Edit Server' window will appear. Enter details as follows:

Take care to ensure all of these details have been entered correctly. The server is and the port must be +6697. Ensure the description is FuelRats as we will reference this name later on.

Click OK to return to the mIRC Options window and move down one line to the Options sub category:

As before, ensure your settings match those shown above.

In the Messages sub category you may wish to enable Timestamp events (seeing times in the chat while ratting is useful). Stripping color codes from incoming messages is a personal preference (can be useful to avoid other users spoiling your color settings!).

Before moving on, some other settings you may wish to consider within the mIRC Options window:

  • Display → Options
    Click on the Marker button and uncheck "Show line marker"
  • Other → Window buffer
    Increase if you like being able to scroll back a long way
  • Connect → Options → Ports (button)
    Enable IPv6 support if you have IPv6 on your internet connection

You should now have FuelRats in your Servers list:

Make sure FuelRats is selected from the list and then click the Select button. You will be returned to the Connect page at the top of the category list. Click the Connect button to log into the Fuel Rats IRC server (you won't have to do this again, next time you load mIRC it will connect automatically).

On your first connect you may see a message like this:

Select to automatically accept and click OK.

Congratulations! You have connected to the IRC.

3 - Authentication and auto-joining channels

This section guides you through configuring mIRC to automatically authenticate and join channels when you connect to the FuelRats network.

The IRC FAQ guides you to registering IRC nick(s). If not already done, please follow that guide first to set up your account. Once you have opened your account and registered your IRC nick(s) please continue!

Now that you are connected to the Fuel Rats IRC server, press ALT+R (in mIRC) or click on the Tools menu and select Scripts Editor

The mIRC Scripts Editor window will pop up. Select the Remote tab.

Copy and Paste into this editor the following:

on *:notice:*nick* is registered*:*:{
  if ($network == FuelRats) && ($nick == nickserv) {
    .msg $v2 identify YOUR_PASSWORD

on *:notice:Password accepted*:*:{
  if ($network == FuelRats) {
    .join #FuelRats
    .join #RatChat
    .window -n "Status Window"

You will notice on line 3, YOUR_PASSWORD needs to be replaced with your IRC password that you set in your account. This is private to you, do not show anybody else this information.

What does this do?

  • When you are connecting to the FuelRats server (we spoke earlier about why the spelling is important) and nickserv asks you to identify, this script automatically authenticates for you
  • When nickserv confirms your password is accepted, this script automatically joins the two important channels #FuelRats and #RatChat
  • Finally, the script automatically hides the Status window so it doesn't get in your way

Of course you can add additional lines as required.

Once happy, click the OK button to close the window. The next time you load mIRC you will automatically authenticate and join #FuelRats and #RatChat.

4  - Changing the appearance

Despite what may appear to be a restrictive interface on first glance, mIRC can be extensively customized and is extremely versatile! It's not possible to cover all combinations however this section will demonstrate how to transform the default mIRC into a dark theme with an entirely different layout.

Here is our default mIRC. We're connected to the two default channels #FuelRats and #RatChat

Let's get rid of that toolbar at the top and while we are at it the big blank area to the left! Go to the View menu and uncheck Toolbar and Treebar.

Here's how it looks now:

Lets keep working on it. How about we move the Switchbar down to the bottom. Fortunately there is a little grapple on the left side of the bar. Lets have a look:

Grab this and drag the bar to the bottom. While you're at it, lets minimize the Status Window, just click the minimize button to get rid (next time you load mIRC it will get hidden automatically).

mIRC now looks like this:

After minimizing the Status window there are two other channels open. #FuelRats and #RatChat. They are both open but one is covering the other. Lets organize these two windows.

Resize the main mIRC program to the dimensions you wish and then click the Window menu and select Tile Horizontal:

mIRC should now look somewhat like this:

In this example #FuelRats is at the top as it is your first joined channel, #RatChat is below.

Things are looking somewhat more organised. Lets look into fonts and colors.