- Created by Unknown User (zatie), last modified by Anja324 on 2024-11-04
Available, not recommended
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Kiwi IRC | ||||||
mIRC | ||||||
IRCCloud | ||||||
Igloo | ||||||
Textual | ||||||
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AdiIRC | ||||||
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Konversation |
Step by step guides for configuring various IRC clients for use with the Fuel Rats IRC server
Privacy notification
Some clients offer you to enter your Real Name as part of their connection options. Please be aware that if you enter your real name here, it will be visible to anyone on IRC. For privacy reasons, we suggest not filling in this field, or using your CMDR name.
Kiwi IRC
Kiwi is a web-based solution. There's two options, using the simple version via our own website or the full version with a few more features available. Kiwi is free & opensource.
Contents | Related articles
Fuel Rats KIWI (SSL) Fuel Rats KIWI (Non-SSL) The non-SSL link may be needed if you use Firefox. Development/full version KIWI * * Currently this version is problematic, as it relays your connection details in a manner that may get you disconnected. We advise you do not use it until this has been fixed. |
Since kiwi is web-based there's no download & installation needed.
If you go with our Fuel Rats version (our website widget), you won't have any features such as automatic identify on login, so you will have to do such things manually via nickserv commands.
The full version of Kiwi has a bit more features:
- Configuration with automatic login
- Support for desktop/phones/tablets
- Themes
- Multiple languages
- Plugins / User scripts
Both versions have custom highlights (pings on words of your choice) under Settings > Notifications > Highlight on words. For example if you wanted to be notified of a new case you'd enter "ratsignal" without the quotation marks.
2 - Connect with the full version *
( *see note above about current issue with this IRC client)
Setting up the network is fairly simple and will be remembered on the computer you are using for next time.
If you enter your password for the registered nick into the password line, kiwi will identify with NickServ for you.
You don't have to set up kiwi to rejoin channels every connection but you have to join them at least once using /join #fuelrats, /join #ratchat for the client to remember them.
3 - Further optional setup
Once connected, you can adjust a few other things if you want. This step is absolutely optional.
A step by step guide to getting HexChat (a free IRC client for Windows and Linux) up and running with the Fuel Rats IRC for first time users
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1 - Installing HexChat
Installation for HexChat is very straight forward. Follow the instructions in the installer with the default options being sufficient for use with the Fuel Rats IRC. If you run Windows 10 just download and the Windows 7 installer.
If you wish to save space and are comfortable with the English language, you may optionally uncheck Translations. We recommend keeping the auto updates option checked so the client notifies you when a new version is available however this is personal preference and of course optional!
The ’Portable Installation’ option stores HexChat settings in the program directory so it can easily be copied to another computer, although under Windows, you may have to install HexChat to a different location (for example D: drive, or a USB stick) to avoid having to run the client as Administrator.
Non-portable mode (default option) settings location
Windows: %APPDATA%\HexChat
UNIX/Linux: ~/.config/hexchat
32-bit vs 64-bit
Some Cmdrs reported problems with getting alerts to run with the 64-bit version of hexchat on Windows. if you run into such problems, install the 32-bit version.
2 - Connecting to the Fuel Rats IRC server
The first time you run HexChat a Network List window will appear. Enter your desired IRC nicknames (the 3rd is optional). In most cases this would be your CMDR name in-game. Use underscores instead of spaces, if you have any in your name.
The ‘User name’ field is the name that shows up if anybody queries who you are in IRC and should match your registered IRC nick (see the IRC FAQ).
Example entries, your name may differ!
Once you have entered your nicknames, click on the ‘Add’ button. This will insert a new network at the top of the list. Click/type to rename the network to FuelRats as shown below. Press enter to save the name.
With the FuelRats network selected, click on ‘ Edit… ’. This will open up a 2 nd window to configure how to connect to the Fuel Rats IRC server.
To add a server to the list at the top, click ‘ Add ’, type irc.fuelrats.com/+6697 and press Enter to save. Copy all other settings as shown. If you plan on using HexChat for more than just the Fuel Rats, you can uncheck “Use global user information” and specify your per-network nick names here.
Important Note about Login Method
For new joiners who have yet to set up IRC authentication (see the IRC guide), set the ‘Login method’ to Default with no password. Once you have set up your IRC authentication this can be changed as shown in the screenshot above.
The ‘Autojoin channels’ tab allows you to specify which channels HexChat will automatically join when connecting. We use primarily 2 channels that you will normally need to be connected to. #FuelRats (where official rescues are conducted) and #RatChat (informal chat and rescue discussion channel).
Adding channels is done in the same way as the previous list boxes. Click ‘Add’, type the name and press Enter to save. Repeat this process for as many channels as you wish.
When you are happy with your settings, click ‘Close’ to return to the Network List window followed by ‘Connect’ to begin your IRC session. If you have replicated all of the check boxes as shown above, next time around the client will automatically connect to the Fuel Rats IRC.
Congratulations! You have connected to the IRC.
SSL Certificates
The first time you connect, you may receive a notification that the server certificate has changed. This is normal. The tech rats sometimes update the certificate so don't be surprised if the message pops up again 6 months down the line!
The general HexChat layout has channels you are connected to on the left (the top entry is the Status window which shows important messages from the server) the main chat area with nicknames and time stamps in the center and connected users listed down the right side when viewing a channel.
3 - Changing the appearance
The appearance of HexChat can be customized in various ways including layout, fonts and colors. To begin changing these settings, within the main HexChat window click on the Settings menu followed by Preferences .
The main settings window will open. This may appear somewhat confusing at first glance but fear not, it's all rather logical! A common request is to change the background and text colors to a dark theme. Click on Colors in the Interface section. By reversing Background and Foreground (click on each one to open the color picker) a darker theme can be quickly achieved.
Changing of fonts and colors is of course personal preference and some experimentation will be required! To preview your changes you need to click on OK which closes the window and applies your chosen settings. You'll have to open/close the Preferences window until you reach your desired look (takes a little while to get it right). Alternatively you can visit the Hexchat website and download pre-prepared themes (see link at the top in Related Articles).
Other settings you may wish to experiment with:
- Interface → Appearance → Window Opacity
Slide to make the main window transparent - Interface → Channel switcher → Switcher type
Select Tabs to free up extra space on the left and move the channel selectors to the bottom - Chatting → Logging
Increasing the number of scrollback lines can be useful when dispatching multiple cases, or if you leave your client running for long periods of time and need to scroll up to check on previous cases in #FuelRats! - Chatting → Alerts
See the dedicated section on Sounds and Alerts
4 - Sounds and Alerts
As a Fuel Rat it's important (perhaps essential!) to know when a new case is arriving, or when another rat mentions your name without having to keep one eye glued to the IRC window all the time.
The Alerts section in Preferences requires a few basic changes to ensure you are "pinged" when a new client arrives. The trigger for most new cases is Ratsignal and this has been entered into the "Extra words to highlight" box shown below. If you require a highlight on a multiple-word phrase, you will need to surround it in quotes, "like so". Take note multiple highlights are separated by a comma, but must not have a space after it.
Take care not to write Ratsignal in the IRC chat! You'll squeak and everybody will hear! Beware!

The 'Make a beep sound on: Highlighted Message' option has been checked. Highlighted messages are your nick name and anything that has additionally been entered into the 'Extra words to highlight' box. The default sound is your system's instant messenger alert sound however you can change the sound played in the Sounds section:
The file location for your sounds may differ. For HexChat the sound file needs to be a .wav format. There are many other events in the list that you may wish to customize however the Beep sound will cover the highlighted text.
As an additional customization you may also wish to change the highlighted text color and this is set in Interface → Colors → Highlight.
An example HexChat setup:
5 - Tips and Tricks
Did you know you can use the tab button while typing a message to automatically complete another user's name? By typing the first 2 or 3 letters and then pressing the tab key, you can cycle through nickname matches without having to type the full name. Very handy to avoid spelling mistakes!
On the subject of spelling, in HexChat you can right click on words while typing for spelling suggestions too!
Good luck CMDR, and fly safe with HexChat! o7
A step by step guide for setting up the freeware client for Windows, AdiIRC (provided by Vanya Pavlovich, updated by Delryn)
Contents | Related articles
1 - Installing AdiIRC
Download the stable release 64-bit installer version from link above. Run the .exe and follow the steps in the install wizard. Keep settings as is, changing the installation location if you so wish.
2 - Connecting to the Fuel Rats IRC server
When you start AdiIRC for the first time, a quick connect window will open. In the bottom, click “Server List”.

A new window will open. Click “Add new network”. Name it FuelRats and copy from “Blank network”. Then click “Add”.

The window will change to show some of the details of the server you wish to add.

2.1 - General
Here is the general settings of your nickname, login, and connection type.
-'Nick' is the nickname you will connect with and should be one of your registered nicks (See IRC FAQ on registering a nick http://t.fuelr.at/ircfaq).
-'Fullname' is what appears after your vhost via a /whois. For example Rat Jane may choose to have Jane Doe as their Fullname. And on a /whois, would show up as Jane[PC]!Jane@jane.rat.fuelrats.com * Jane Doe. Fullname has no effect on logging in/identifying/registered nicknames, and it is recommended you do NOT use your real name.
-'Username' is for authenticating directly to the IRC server. You will NOT use this for typical FuelRat IRC connections.
-Password is for authenticating directly to the IRC server. You will NOT use this for typical FuelRat IRC connections.
-'Alternative nicks' is what you will connect with if 'Nick' is unavailable i.e. due to a ghost or opening a second simultaneous session. Usually, this would be a list of any other nicks you’ve registered on your FuelRats.com profile.
-“Connect to this network on startup” will auto-connect to this server when AdiIRC starts up. It is typically recommended to leave this setting checked. Alternatively you can check “Show server list at startup” on the bottom right to prompt you with a connection screen instead.
Before clicking “Connect”, make sure your General tab resembles the below picture, and continue to the other tabs “Login Method”, “Servers”, etc. detailed in the following sections.
2.2 - Login Method
Here we set our preferred login method for identifying to NickServ. NickServ is the utility we use to authenticate users and their identity.
From the drop-down menu, select “SASL (username + password)”.
The “username” is the nickname you will connect with and should be one of your registered nicks (See IRC FAQ on registering a nick http://t.fuelr.at/ircfaq).
The “password” is the password you entered when registering an account on the FuelRats website.
2.3 - Servers
Here is where you define the server you connect to, and in this case it will be the FuelRats IRC server.
Click “Add”.
Fill in the following details…
Hostname: irc.fuelrats.com
Port: +6697
Enable SSL.
Click “Save”.
Note: the ‘+’ with the port number “+6697” is required.
2.4 - Channels
These are the channels you will automatically join when connecting to the server.
Create two entries, one for “#ratchat” (our social channel) and one for “#fuelrats” (our rescue channel). Enter the channel names as shown, select “Join on connect”, and leave the rest empty.
2.5 Commands
Here you can specify a command to run when you connect to the server. It is recommended to run “/query MechaSqueak[BOT]” as that will open a PM window with the terrible and mighty MechaSqueak bot. You can use this PM window to run facts for personal use and reference without cluttering #ratchat/#fuelrats.
2.6 - SSL
Here you can specify the SSL settings you connect with. If you don’t know what these are, leave them as is.
2.7 - Proxy, Misc, and IRCv3
If you don’t know what these are, leave them as is.
2.8 - Connect
Now that you have your server connection all set up, click “Save” then go back to the general tab. Click “Connect”. Voila, you are now connected to the Fuel Rats IRC via AdiIRC. We highly recommend customizing your AdiIRC client with color themes and other configurations. These are detailed in further sections.
3 - Customization
AdiIRC has a huge range of customization. Let’s take a look at some of these.
The first thing you may want to change are the colors. The easiest approach is to download a premade theme. AdiIRC community themes can be downloaded from here: https://dev.adiirc.com/projects/adiirc/boards/6 . When a desired theme is found, download the corresponding “.ini” file.
Once a theme is downloaded, in AdiIRC go to File > Themes, and click “Install new” at the bottom.

Find the .ini file you downloaded and click “Open”.
Finally, select your theme on the left side of the Themes manager window, and click “Use theme” at the bottom.
-Further Customization-
The following sections detail different menus in the AdiIRC Options window. This window can be accessed by clicking Tools > Options at the top of the AdiIRC window.
To fine tune your colors, or to create your own theme from scratch, select “Colors” in the Options window. To adjust a color, simply click on the color rectangle you wish to change.
Here you can adjust various settings relating to where you the user types in their messages. While different settings will apply to different people, it is recommended to go to the “Tab Complete” tab and set “Tabcomplete order” to “Last-spoke order” and check off “Include Joins”. This means that when you press TAB to autocomplete a user’s nickname, the AdiIRC client will complete the text with whoever spoke most recently, rather than alphabetically.
For the Fuel Rats, you may find it useful to be able to distinguish between various similar characters such as I-l-1 O-0-Q-D and B-8. Some good fonts include Consolas (mono), operator mono, Serif, Gadugi, and Adi’s default font: Verdana.
Fonts can be set individually for all the sections of AdiIRC from the messages, to the menu bars, and edit-box.
Contains a variety of settings. From having AdiIRC start when Windows boots up, allowing multiple copies of the program, confirming when closing window, and so forth.
A powerful tool in the rat's arsenal for being informed, and Adi’s best out-of-box feature compared with other IRC clients. You can set up to be pinged on just about anything in any variation.
Keep '$me' as is. That will make it so that anytime your current nick is included in a message, it will ping you to get your attention. No need for @-ing somebody, simply type their name.
You can add your own custom highlights. Click 'Add' and a window will open where you can set specifics.
'Highlight' is the word that when said, will ping you.
'Message' will have it ping if it is part of a message.
'Nickname' will ping whenever someone with that nickname speaks.
'Regex' allows for an amazing range of customization and variation on a single highlight without having to make multiple; if you don't know what regex is, leave this off.
‘Sound Drop Down’ can be customized to play a single beep, defined by your system sounds, or an audio file you pick. Compatible sound file formats include .mid .mp3 .wav .ogg and .wma.
Pro Tip: The directory C:/Windows/Media/ is full of useful sound effects for various notifications.
'Channel(s)' allows you to set the highlight to only go off when said in specific channels.
Highlighting New Cases:
Create a new highlight that matches the settings above. Using “Ratsignal” as the text will alert you to all new cases. Using “Platform: PC” (or PS / XB) will alert you to new cases only for the desired platform.
This is what tells your client to log the history of channels into a text file. Highly recommended as it lets you search back through previous conversations, events, and in general record a history.
-Log channels - on
-Log Private chat - on
-Strip mIRC tags - on (recommended to clean out unimportant formatting tags)
-everything else can be left as-is or changed per preference.
Customize how messages appear from timestamps to scroll back.
It is recommended to increase the max buffer from 500. This will allow you to scroll back further in time before you must resort to checking logs.
-Nick Colors-
These settings override anything in -Color- above. Here you can set certain nicks/tags/roles to be differently coloured to help you more easily identify people and their roles. For example having anyone with "spatch" in their name or tag can help pick them out amongst a busy rescue channel.
Likewise setting different colours for vhosts/roles (*@*bot*) (*@admin*) (*@*moderator*) (*@*netadmin*) (*@*operations*) (*@*techrat*) (*@*overseer*) (*@*rat*) (*@*recruit*) can help you learn who's who and their jobs as well as pick them out of a crowd at a glance. Or if you want our favorite Sheet to be his radiant Orange self.
Or you may wish to turn on random nick colors. This can be confusing at first, but some find it helpful when every nick is a different color.
-Much much more-
This guide only covers some of the most common settings and configurations. There are many more settings to tweak. Some are self-explanatory, others not so much. Feel free to ask in #ratchat for additional help, and check out the official documentation here: https://wiki.adiirc.com/
4 - Hot Tips
-With a channel window selected, press Ctrl+D to toggle ‘detach’ing the window. This will let you place a chat window outside of the main AdiIRC console.
-Right click a channel in the channel list to access a wide variety of setting. Such as nicklist toggle, highlight toggle, and log view.
-By default AdiIRC has a few shortcuts to save precious seconds off our busy lives. When you want to PM a user, instead of /query you can use /q. /j instead of /join and /w instead of /whois. Many of these options can also be found via right click.
-If you know how to make user commands, these can be found under Tools > Edit Aliases.
-The serverlist settings from step 2 can also be found at Server > Serverlist or Ctrl+S by default, allowing you to go back and edit your connection settings.
A step by step guide to getting mIRC (an IRC client for Windows) up and running with the Fuel Rats IRC for first time users
Contents | Related articles
1 - Installing mIRC
Installation for mIRC is very straight forward. Follow the instructions in the installer with the default options being sufficient for use with the Fuel Rats IRC.
'Automatically Check for Updates' is recommended - mIRC will check if there is a newer version when starting the client.
The ’Portable Application’ option stores mIRC settings in the program directory so it can easily be copied to another computer, although you may have to install mIRC to a different location (for example D: drive, or a USB stick) to avoid having to run the client as Administrator.
Non-portable mode (default option) settings location
This is normally C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\mIRC
2 - Connecting to the Fuel Rats IRC server
When first starting mIRC you are presented with a window to enter your registration details. There is also the ability to evaluate the client if you don't have registration details to hand.
After completing that initial process you are presented with the mIRC Options window:
Enter your primary and secondary IRC nicknames. These should match your registered IRC nick(s) (see the IRC FAQ ).
Next, move to the Servers sub category and you will most likely see a long list of popular IRC networks. For simplicity, these have been removed from this guide to avoid confusion. Click on 'Add' to begin adding a new network:
A small popup 'Edit Server' window will appear. Enter details as follows:
Take care to ensure all of these details have been entered correctly. The server is irc.fuelrats.com and the port must be +6697. Ensure the description is FuelRats as we will reference this name later on.
Click OK to return to the mIRC Options window and move down one line to the Options sub category:
As before, ensure your settings match those shown above.
In the Messages sub category you may wish to enable Timestamp events (seeing times in the chat while ratting is useful). Stripping color codes from incoming messages is a personal preference (can be useful to avoid other users spoiling your color settings!).
Before moving on, some other settings you may wish to consider within the mIRC Options window:
- Display → Options
Click on the Marker button and uncheck "Show line marker" - Other → Window buffer
Increase if you like being able to scroll back a long way - Connect → Options → Ports (button)
Enable IPv6 support if you have IPv6 on your internet connection
You should now have FuelRats in your Servers list:
Make sure FuelRats is selected from the list and then click the Select button. You will be returned to the Connect page at the top of the category list. Click the Connect button to log into the Fuel Rats IRC server (you won't have to do this again, next time you load mIRC it will connect automatically).
On your first connect you may see a message like this:
Select to automatically accept and click OK.
Congratulations! You have connected to the IRC.
3 - Authentication and auto-joining channels
This section guides you through configuring mIRC to automatically authenticate and join channels when you connect to the FuelRats network.
The IRC FAQ guides you to registering IRC nick(s). If not already done, please follow that guide first to set up your account. Once you have opened your account and registered your IRC nick(s) please continue!
Now that you are connected to the Fuel Rats IRC server, press ALT+R (in mIRC) or click on the Tools menu and select Scripts Editor
The mIRC Scripts Editor window will pop up. Select the Remote tab.
Copy and Paste into this editor the following:
on *:notice:*nick* is registered*:*:{ if ($network == FuelRats) && ($nick == nickserv) { .msg $v2 identify YOUR_PASSWORD } } on *:notice:Password accepted*:*:{ if ($network == FuelRats) { .join #FuelRats .join #RatChat .window -n "Status Window" } }
You will notice on line 3, YOUR_PASSWORD needs to be replaced with your IRC password that you set in your account. This is private to you, do not show anybody else this information.
What does this do?
- When you are connecting to the FuelRats server (we spoke earlier about why the spelling is important) and nickserv asks you to identify, this script automatically authenticates for you
- When nickserv confirms your password is accepted, this script automatically joins the two important channels #FuelRats and #RatChat
- Finally, the script automatically hides the Status window so it doesn't get in your way
Of course you can add additional lines as required.
Once happy, click the OK button to close the window. The next time you load mIRC you will automatically authenticate and join #FuelRats and #RatChat.
4 - Changing the appearance
Despite what may appear to be a restrictive interface on first glance, mIRC can be extensively customized and is extremely versatile! It's not possible to cover all combinations however this section will demonstrate how to transform the default mIRC into a dark theme with an entirely different layout.
Here is our default mIRC. We're connected to the two default channels #FuelRats and #RatChat
Let's get rid of that toolbar at the top and while we are at it the big blank area to the left! Go to the View menu and uncheck Toolbar and Treebar.
Here's how it looks now:
Lets keep working on it. How about we move the Switchbar down to the bottom. Fortunately there is a little grapple on the left side of the bar. Lets have a look:
Grab this and drag the bar to the bottom (you can right click to lock the bar in position too). While you're at it, lets minimize the Status Window, just click the minimize button to get rid (next time you load mIRC it will get hidden automatically).
mIRC now looks like this:
After minimizing the Status window there are two other channels open. #FuelRats and #RatChat. They are both open but one is covering the other. Lets organize these two windows.
Resize the main mIRC program to the dimensions you wish and then click the Window menu and select Tile Horizontal:
mIRC should now look somewhat like this:
In this example #FuelRats is at the top as it is your first joined channel, #RatChat is below. If you are happy with the position of each sub window, click on the icon in the top left and select Position → Save (for each sub window).
There are various options in the menu to override global settings per channel. One example would be to move the nick list to the left side. Click on 'Nick List...' and change the option accordingly:
Once again - select 'Set as default for all channels' if that is the setting you wish to apply to all channel windows.
Things are looking somewhat more organised. Lets look into fonts and colors.
To change the default font, click on the 'View' menu at the top followed by 'Font...'
Select 'Set as default for channel windows' to apply the change to your open channel windows. You may find fixed width fonts are easier to read (e.g. Lucida Console, Fixedsys, Consolas, and so on...).
To change text and background colors, click on the 'View' menu at the top and 'Colors...'
You can create a new color scheme by clicking 'New' at the top and giving it a name. In the above example colors have been chosen to work with a black background. To change the background colors click on the blank spaces. To change individual text colors click directly on the text you wish to change and pick a color at the bottom. Once you are happy, click OK and your color scheme will be applied.
Example dark color scheme:
Great work CMDR, you've successfully changed the appearance of mIRC. Go forth and experiment!
5 - Sounds and Alerts
As a Fuel Rat it's important (perhaps essential!) to know when a new case is arriving, or when another rat mentions your name without having to keep one eye glued to the IRC window all the time.
The mIRC Address Book requires a few basic changes to ensure you are "pinged" when a new client arrives. The trigger for most new cases is Ratsignal and it would be useful for mIRC to notify you when a new case arrives.
Take care not to write Ratsignal in the IRC chat! You'll squeak and everybody will hear! Beware!
To open the mIRC Address Book, press ALT+B or click on ' Tools ' on the main menu and ' Address Book... '
A few examples are shown above. Ratsignal being the most important notification. You may wish to highlight your name as I have done!
Select 'Enable highlight' and click 'Add' to create a new rule.
Lets take a look at the first two examples. The Ratsignal:
In this case any line that contains Ratsignal is written in red and ratsignal.wav is played.
Sound files can be stored in the %APPDATA%\mIRC\sounds folder
This is normally C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\mIRC\sounds
A second highlighting example for your own name(s):
Here we use a different color and sound. The 'Flash message' option is checked which also flashes mIRC in the titlebar and taskbar. This can be useful if you are AFK for some time. When you return to your PC mIRC will be flashing reminding you there has been a message to with your name in it.
Example highlighted Ratsignal text:
6 - Tips and Tricks
Did you know you can use the tab button while typing a message to automatically complete another user's name? By typing the first 2 or 3 letters and then pressing the tab key, you can cycle through nickname matches without having to type the full name. Very handy to avoid spelling mistakes!
You can copy text by simply highlighting it with the mouse. There is no need to press CTRL+C.
You can set a background image in your chat windows by clicking the little icon (top left corner) and selecting Background → Select...
Setting the default position for channel windows is different to the default position for private messaging windows.
If you have any useful tips, let us know!
Good luck CMDR, and fly safe with mIRC! o7
A step by step guide to getting Textual (an IRC client for macOS) up and running with the Fuel Rats IRC for first time users
Contents | Related articles
1 - Installing Textual
You can purchase Textual from the Mac App Store or from codeux.com, a 30-day trial is also available on the website.
If you wish to purchase it from the Mac App Store it will simply install to your /Applications and you can run it.
If you choose to purchase or trial it from codeux.com you simply press the "Try Textual for 30 days" button and a disk image file should download. When downloaded, double-click the disk image file in Finder and drag the Textual.app to the /Applications directory.
2 - Connecting to the Fuel Rats IRC server
When first starting Textual you are presented with a welcome window, press continue.
In the Destinations field scrolldown until you see "Fuel Rats" and select it.
Enter your nickname. IT should match your registered IRC nick(s) (see the IRC FAQ ).
In the channels field, make two entries, one for #fuelrats and one for #ratchat
Check the Connect on launch checkbox and click Stat Chatting.
Congratulations! You have connected to the IRC.
3 - Authentication
This section guides you through configuring Textual to automatically authenticate when you connect to the FuelRats network.
The IRC FAQ guides you to registering IRC nick(s). If not already done, please follow that guide first to set up your account. Once you have opened your account and registered your IRC nick(s) please continue!
Now that you are connected to the Fuel Rats IRC server, right click the Fuel Rats entry in the server list and select Server Properties, or press ⌘U
In the Server Properties window select Identity in the list.
In the Personal Password field enter the password you used to register your nickname on fuelrats.com, and check the "Wait for identification before joining channels" checkbox.
Once happy, click the Save button to close the window. The next time you load Textual you will automatically authenticate and join #FuelRats and #RatChat.
4 - Sounds and Alerts
As a FuelRat it's important (perhaps essential!) to know when a new case is arriving, or when another rat mentions your name without having to keep one eye glued to the IRC window all the time.
Textual requires a few basic changes to ensure you are "pinged" when a new client arrives. The trigger for most new cases is Ratsignal and it would be useful for Textual to notify you when a new case arrives.
Take care not to write Ratsignal in the IRC chat! You'll squeak and everybody will hear! Beware!
To open the Textual highlights list, press ⌘ , or go to the Apple menu in the menubar, and select Preferences
Select the Highlights tab
In the Highlight words list press the + button to add a new item, and enter ratsignal
Make sure the "Highlight current nickname" checkbox is checked.
5 - Tips and Tricks
Did you know you can use the tab button while typing a message to automatically complete another user's name? By typing the first 2 or 3 letters and then pressing the tab key, you can cycle through nickname matches without having to type the full name. Very handy to avoid spelling mistakes!
You should now be set up and ready! Fly safe CMDR o7
A step by step guide to getting IRCCloud (an IRC client for web browsers, Android, and iOS) up and running with the Fuel Rats IRC for first time users
1 - Getting IRCCloud
You can sign up to IRCCloud from irccloud.com or by downloading it in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store
IRCCloud offers paid subscriptions but also has a free plan that disconnects you after a period of inactivity, this is perfectly fine for Fuel Ratting.
2 - Connecting to the Fuel Rats IRC server
Before you continue, make sure you confirm your email address, IRCCloud will not let you connect until you have done so.
Once you have registered your IRCCloud account you are presented with a login
In the hostname field enter irc.fuelrats.com enter 6697 as Port and check the Use SSL checkbox.
Enter your nickname. IT should match your registered IRC nick(s). The IRC FAQ guides you to registering IRC nick(s) . If not already done, please follow that guide first to set up your account. Once you have opened your account and registered your IRC nick(s) please continue!
In the NickServ field enter the password you used to register your nickname on fuelrats.com
In the Channels to join field, make enter #fuelrats and #ratchat, seperated either by a space or a comma.

You can now press save Save.
Congratulations! You have connected to the IRC.
3 - Sounds and Alerts
As a FuelRat it's important (perhaps essential!) to know when a new case is arriving, or when another rat mentions your name without having to keep one eye glued to the IRC window all the time.
IRCCloud requires a few basic changes to ensure you are "pinged" when a new client arrives. The trigger for most new cases is Ratsignal and it would be useful for IRCCloud to notify you when a new case arrives.
Take care not to write Ratsignal in the IRC chat! You'll squeak and everybody will hear! Beware!
To open the IRCCloud highlights list, press the cog wheel icon to the right of the input bar and select Settings
In the Highlight words list enter the word RATSIGNAL
You should now be set up and ready! Fly safe CMDR o7
A step by step guide to getting AndroIRC (a free IRC client for Android) up and running with the Fuel Rats IRC for first time users
Contents | Related articles
1 - Installing AndroIRC
AndroIRC can be found in the Play Store and installed for free here.
There is also a premium version available which comes without ads but does not add any new features.
2 - Connecting to the FuelRats IRC network
When first starting the app, there will be some preconfigured servers, but we will add our own. Head into Settings > Servers and click New server.
The menu we are then shown let's us configure the new server.
- Name: This will be shown in the server list, FuelRats makes sense for our purposes.
- Address: The FuelRats IRC host adress is irc.fuelrats.com.
- Port: If you wish to connect without SSL, use port 6667. If you wish to enable SSL specify port 6697. (See below)
- Password: Since the FuelRats IRC is not password-protected, we'll leave this blank.
- Nickname: Your preferred IRC nickname, many rats like to use their CMDR name with spaces replaced by underscores _. Make sure you have that nickname registered on the website.
- Alternative: The fallback nickname in case your first choice is already taken upon connecting.
- Ident: This is what will be shown before your host (Example: androirc@mhajoha.rat.fuelrats.com). androirc is the default and will be used if this is left blank.
Your Nickname, Alternative and Ident can also be set globally in Settings > Nickname. Here you can set your Real name as well, which will be visible to other IRC users in your user info. Specific server settings will override global ones if both are set.
3 - Optional server settings
Scrolling down a bit farther, we see some interesting settings.
While we can connect to the FuelRats IRC with the setup we already have, these settings are worth looking at:
- Secured connection: SSL (aka TLS) will encrypt data transfer between you and the server. While this is not necessary, it is highly recommended to use SSL regardless of the circumstances. If you check this box, you must use port 6697 above. If you do not wish to use SSL, you must use port 6667.
HL list: Messages containing any words you add to this list will be highlighted and you will be notified upon receiving them. If you intend to use AndroIRC as your main ratting client, you may want to add Ratsignal to that list so that you get notified when a new client arrives.
Take care not to write Ratsignal in the IRC chat! You'll squeak and everybody will hear! Beware!
- Authentication: You can set up the client so that you don't need to identify to NickServ everytime you connect. AndroIRC has two options here:
- NickServ: The client will basically send the command /msg NickServ identify <password> for you, with Password being whatever password you set on the website when you registered the nickname we set earlier. This approach is simple, but it works well.
- SASL: This option takes a username and a password. The username must be your main nickname, i.e. the first nickname you registered on the website, and the password must be the password you have set for that nickname. The beauty here is that it will log you in independent of the nickname you connect with (the one we set earlier), however that will still have to be registered in the API for MechaSqueak to know who you are.
- Auto-connect: Connects to the server as soon as you start AndroIRC.
- Auto-join channels: Tick this box in order to be able to join channels on this server upon connection. See more below.
4 - Auto-joining channels
In case you get tired of having to type /join #ratchat and /join #fuelrats everytime you connect, you can set AndroIRC to join certain channels upon connection automatically.
Go into Settings > Channels. Select the FuelRats server.
Simply input the channel name and make sure "Auto-join this channel" is ticked. Since neither #fuelrats nor #ratchat use a keyword (= password), there is no need to add one here.
In order for these changes to have an effect, you have to tick Auto-join channels in the server settings .
And with that, you should have AndroIRC all set up and ready to go. Go and fuel 'em, commander. o7
Revolution IRC
A step by step guide to getting Revolution IRC (a free Early Access IRC client for Android) up and running with the Fuel Rats IRC for first time users
Contents | Related articles
1 - Installing Revolution IRC
Revolution IRC can be found in the Play Store and installed for free here.
2 - Connecting to the FuelRats IRC network
To add a new server, click the + button in the bottom right.
The menu we are then shown let's us configure the new server.
- Name: This will be shown in the server list, Fuel Rats makes sense for our purposes.
- Server Address: The FuelRats IRC host adress is irc.fuelrats.com.
- Port: If you wish to connect without SSL, use port 6667. If you wish to enable SSL specify port 6697. (See below)
- User SSL/TLS: This will encrypt data transfer between you and the server. While this is not necessary, it is highly recommended to use SSL regardless of the circumstances. If you check this box, you must use port 6697 above. If you do not wish to use SSL, you must use port 6667.
- Server Password: The Fuel Rats IRC does not have a server password, so leave this blank.
- Authentication mode / Username / Password: The options here vary depending on which Authentication mode is set. SASL will suit most rats. Username is a registered nickname (see below). Password is the password you chose when registering your first nickname.
- Nicknames: Your preferred IRC nickname(s), many rats like to use their CMDR name with spaces replaced by underscores _. Make sure you have those nicknames registered on the website. They will be attempted to be used in the order they are listed.
- Auto-join channels: Channels that will be joined automatically upon connecting.
- Auto-run commands: These commands are run when you connect, and will only be required if you do not use SASL or Client Certificate authentication to identify with NickServ.
Make sure to click the tick in the top-right when you're done.
Your Nicknames can also be set globally in ... > Settings > User Information. Here you can set your Real name and User as well, which will be visible to other IRC users in your user info. Specific server settings will override global ones if both are set.
3 - Optional Settings
Also in ... > Settings are various other global options.
- Interface: Here you can set up how Revolution IRC looks. There is an extensive range of options and two default themes to get started.
- Nick/channel autocomplete: these offer various ways to complete nicks quickly and can be customised to suit your needs.
- Join/Part messages: It is recommended to keep these visible. While these might be annoying to some, knowing whether a client, rat or dispatch disconnects is valuable information.
Notifications: Messages containing any words you add to this list will be highlighted and you will be notified upon receiving them. If you intend to use Revolution IRC as your main ratting client, you may want to add Ratsignal or a platform-specific signal to that list so that you get notified when a new client arrives. Generally you will want Nick mentions and Private messages checked. Custom rules can be added with the + button in the bottom-right. This will open various settings from a simple word, to complex regex and various options to notify you.
Take care not to write Ratsignal or any platform-specific signals in the IRC chat! You'll squeak and everybody will hear! Beware!
And with that, you should have Revolution IRC all set up and ready to go. Go and fuel 'em, commander. o7
Useful highlights
Regardless of the client you end up using, you are probably going to want to set some highlights for specific events.
Here is a small list of useful highlights you may want to set, please see your respective client's setup guide for info on how to use these!
Heads up!
Be careful not to speak these phrases in casual conversation otherwise you will squeak and everyone will glare at you!
value | description |
RATSIGNAL | Raise the alarm! a client is out of fuel! This highlight is used to notify rats that a client has arrived and needs assistance |
PC_SIGNAL | Raise the specific alarm! a Client in the PC universe is out of fuel! This highlight is a more specific alarm than ratsignal, and is used to notify rats in the PC universe that a client has arrived and needs assistance. |
PS_SIGNAL | Raise the specific alarm! a Client in the ps4 universe is out of fuel! This highlight is a more specific alarm than ratsignal, and is used to notify rats in the PS universe that a client has arrived and needs assistance. |
XB_SIGNAL | Raise the specific alarm! a Client in the xbox universe is out of fuel! This highlight is a more specific alarm than ratsignal, and is used to notify rats in the xbox universe that a client has arrived and needs assistance. |
In Step 2, of Adiirc it asks you to click on "Advanced Search" to open up the server list, with the newer Adiirc update the "Advanced Search" option has disappeared, the rat must now type "Ctrl-S" to open the server window, or equally you can hit the Server List button at the bottom of the dialog box to get to the same place.
The "userful highlights" are out of date with the h3/h4/ody signals.
For ADIirc, the SASL authentication settings have moved to a "Login Method" tab on the server list entry for your server. There you need to set "SASL (Username + Password)", your Username, and your Password.
Looks like the ToC for most of these don't link to the relevant anchor on the page. Instead they go to a blank "unpublished" page. For example, click the "5. Sound and Alerts" under mIRC, and you are brought to an invalid page instead of anchor #5.
This is a longstanding known issue. Click to Expand the instructions client that you wish to review, then instead of clicking on the table of contents, just scroll down the page. The content is there..
Oh, I see it's probably the TOC/Expand Macro bug, found it on their Jira site. Knowing Atlassian it's unlikely we'll get a fix if it's been known for this long now. That's unfortunate.