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Dispatch Information


titleCurrent CG Systems and other events

Reminder for new dispatchers: consider using a private group (PG) when rescuing a client in Community Goal systems or other systems with a high degree of CMDR activity.

Permit locked Systems and Regions: Permit-systems

Horizons 4.0 Update

Changes are being made to SOP for the upcoming Horizons 4.0 game version.

Elite Live and Legacy mode SOP changes

titleFuel Rats Dispatch Board

The premiere tool for monitoring rescues!

Note: Now requires a drilled rat account to access.

Note: If the web board numbers no longer match the BOT's numbers, use "!reindex" in IRC to update the case numbers.

titleWhen to clear or md a case

Not sure when to !md or !clear a case, check this out: How to File Cases / When to !md, !invalid and !delete cases

The N/A rat is now supported by the !clear command. When an invalid case happens, just use "!clear <case> N/A"! REMEMBER: Always ensure there is an inject or a note explaining the situation of the case!

Thanks to Edmonson for all of his effort keeping TweetSqueak functional. And thanks to Tivec, Mecha now has all of Tweety's functionality and more.

The preferred method for tweets should now be !tweetcase <case number|client nick> which will tweet a preformatted message including the case's platform and distance from the case's landmark system (i.e. Fuelum, Sol, Colonia, etc.). !tweet is still functional and can be used in the event that rats are needed for multiple cases (such as on Xbox or PS4).

See Mecha's Command Reference for more information.

titleMecha Now Has Tweet Functionality
titleDebriefs in Other Languages

If a client is using a E:D version that doesn't support Latin characters or needs a debrief translated by another Rat, the #debrief channel can be used in those cases. Please /part the channel after the debrief is completed.

We also have some dispatch and debrief manuals:


titleCalculating Supercruise Times

See this guide that Masterloon put together on calculating SC travel times for long distances


titleUse of MechaSqueak in IRC

Please check on the status of cases or get case information in PM with Mecha, whenever possible. Using !list or !quote in our public channels spams the channels with information that doesn't need to be there and can give anyone watching information about cases. Remember that Rats aren't necessarily the only ones who are in our channels.

Mecha can be accessed via PM by typing: /msg query MechaSqueak[BOT] , followed by the appropriate command such as list -i or quote <case>or double clicking its name.

Commands that are helpful to multiple Rats such as !search should be used in #ratchat for all to see. It also would be good experience to learn common system names, naming conventions and common client errors so that !search doesn't even need to be used.

Other News and Information

Fuel Rats' Statistics

title2.4 InformationStatistics

Our Stats are back!  Click here

Patch Notes:

Fuel Rats PSA:

titleLatest SOP Updates/Clarifications

Clients Entering Through #ratchat (9 Dec 3303)

Hull/Canopy Repairs (25 Sept 3303)

No Need to Call Paperwork Complete/PW+ (19 Sept 3303)

How to Close Cases (the old when to !md a case) (18 Sept 3303)

Don't Reverse Friend (17 Sept 3303)

Fuel Rat's Squadrons

To join the Fuel Rats squadron you must both apply in-game (FUEL) and fill out the form at using your Fuel Rats account. Please read the terms of squadron membership carefully. 

titleThe Fuel Rat Colony - Colonia

Thanks to an unknown benefactor we now have a presence in Colonia. Specifically Rodentia, with the planetary station named Surly's Nest. Come visit and drop off your exploration data. Snickers are waiting in the back room.

titleFuel Rats Decals

If you are eligible you can claim your decal code by logging into your rat account on our pages and punch in the button for it (but be gentle and punch it only once).  Also note that Xbox and PS4 users should now redeem the codes from the the in-game storeThen reddeem the decal using the link below.

PC Code Redemption: httphttps://tuser.fuelrfrontierstore.atnet/code/redeem

Xbox/PS4 Code Redemption: Use in-game store

titleFuel Rats' Ship Registry

You can now reserve your own Fuel Rats' Ship ID Registery. Simply log in to your API account on the website and look at Ships under your IRC Nicknames. Click the "Add" button to add a ship and get your ID #. Note: More features (including editing) are coming soon(tm).

Ship Registry

Ship Statistics




This unofficial training can be especially useful for Ratlings before their drill, but in no way should make them feel pressured to complete their drill before they're ready.  As always, this training is 100% optional and voluntary. This  This training is not required in order to rat or dispatch.

We have our own Pastebin:


Be sure to save the file and change the extension to .txt before sharing.Training Opportunities

titleFuel Rats' Pastebin

Have an idea you want to share?

Check these out:

The "I have a great idea" page

A technical look at SOP

If your idea isn't on those pages, submit a request for a new feature to Mecha, Website, or anywhere: Feature Request 

You'll need a JIRA account to submit a new feature:

titleInformation to FDev on Wing Instancing Issues

FDev is investigating issues with wing insancing and has request verbose netlogs for any rescues where we experience issues. This will apply to PC, Xbox and PS4 rescues. Please follow these steps to support this effort:

  1. Follow the guide here: Instance Problem Reporting
  2. Report any instancing issues with clients using the procedure outlined in the guide, and submit an issue here
titleVolunteers and Help Wanted

Comment on the SOP: SOP Information

Help with the Background Simulation: BGS Information

titleGeneral Information

Fuel Rats' IRC Terms of Service

Fuel Rats' IRC Code of Conduct

MechaSqueak ChangeLog:

Connect With Us on Social Media and Be Alerted

Include Page
Connect With Us on Social Media and Be Alerted
Connect With Us on Social Media and Be Alerted

See Fuel Rats in the Media and Read Our History (works in progress)

Fuel Rats in the Media


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